Topic: Immigration - statistics, problems caused by it, solutions, documentary films; what is true about immigrants and what isn't – media manipulation (identifying manipulation techniques)
Profile of participants: 20 students and 8 accompanying teachers.
Students were members of the target group (15-18 years old), boys and girls, any specialisation, who have been selected for the exchange. One student per country is from a disadvantaged group (financial, economic, cultural obtacles etc.) Before the exchange, they worked together on the topic by collecting data from reliable sources, assessing it, synthesising it, applying surveys on members of the local community, identifying and putting forward case studies, interviewing local authorities about the measures taken with regard to the issue presented, identifying NGOs that are active in this area.
Each team of students has been accompanied by 2 teachers from their school, preferably teachers of English and social sciences/humanities who have been selected for this purpose from the project team.
20 students from the host school will also attend the activities, like their peers.
The exchange has included several types of activities:
1. Ice-breaking activities - communication games, tour of the school, welcoming artistic programme, presentations of countries, schools, regions, towns.
2. Topic-related activities
- students make presentations of the current situation in their countries related to immigration. Statistical data was presented, fact and figures, case studies, measures taken by local authorities, the opinions of members of local communities. Students were organized in multicultural teams and they compared the data
- students were presented with manipulation techniques and how to identify them in everyday life, in the media etc.
- the host team trained the students on the rules of debate and the students were organised into debate teams. They were given a debate topic and access to the internet to prepare their cases. After 30
minutes of discussions, the teams met and started the debate, which was recorded. Students received real case studies in relation to the topic and were involved in activities which developed their communication, interpersonal skills and critical thinking skills (e.g. body sculpting - using theatre to explore ideas, cafe conversations, think-pair-share etc.)
3. Meetings with local authorities and NGO representatives to discuss their views on the matter of immigration, what was the local policy regarding this issue, what local initiatives are implemented in this field.
4. The creation of products by students - students worked in multicultural teams and created posters of the exchange (also used as a tool for evaluating the impact)
5. Cultural activities and events - international evening, traditional evening, guided tour of the town.
6. Evaluation activities - students completed initial surveys and final surveys as well as feedback