Poem #1 ( by Elina, Donata, Aleksandra, Anna)
My life is art
Let's draw a line of our life
Can you see the colors inside?
You can paint and create your way
Express your feelings, make them great!
Share emotions of your heart
You'll see a beauty of your art!
Poem # 3 (by Matej, Ivan, Gül and Maria)
If you want beauty in your life
You can use the endangered art
Young people gathered here to express
Their opinions, emotions and art
Let’s together make a craft!
Then, you will see the colours of life.
Poem # 2
(by Dima, Axelle, Vassilina, Heta)
Colors of life
The modern art it’s diversity
The diversity it’s a mixture of culture
The culture it’s creativity
The creativity it’s beauty
Can we create our beauty?
The creativity it’s beauty
Can we can change our world?
Forests are important
Favorite type of people’s art
Natural beauty is good
I like craft with wood
I need more ideas
Maybe from Rokas?
To get impression from art
We need together just start
Of course, our people very smart
We can tell about art by heart
(Thank you, Kiitos, aitäh, merci)
Poem # 4 (by Jakob, Aleksandr, Rokas,Arina)
Heart Rush
With a stroke of a brush,
An artist dives into a pool,
Where he only knows a heart rush,
Which he treasures more than
An old man does wool
Poem # 7
(by Zarja, Oskari, Daniil and Marija )
We think with our heads
Playing with our hearts
We never know what's next
Never what to say
But in the end what are we without them?
Nothing I suppose.
Poem # 5 (by Annamaria,Lina,Sualp,Nikita)
Shape of art
People have a lot of emotions.
It creates colors of life.
Creativity, diversity and beauty are art,
Art is colors of life.
Folks have different cultures.
It shapes your mind.
Creativity, diversity and beauty are art,
Art can change your mind.